Monthly Archives: June 2011

Ideal working environment

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what an ideal working environment would be if I could design it.

Some of the components of this environment include:

  • A Mac would be my primary machine, with Coda my text editor of choice
  • I’d have a desk that converted to a standing desk when desired
  • Telecommuting would be available as an option – or at least the freedom to work somewhere else for a bit to change the scenery – such as a coffee shop or library
  • A team of at least one other peer who does similar work to me – we could work together and still be able to “talk shop” when needed
  • I am very much a night owl, so being able to work a later shift would be nice
  • Plenty but reasonable amount of money and time for training, conferences
  • Freedom to work on “playtime” projects
  • Very few in-person interruptions

There’s probably a few more, but I’d need to suss it out a bit. Not to say I don’t appreciate my job, not at all. And you’ve probably already guessed by now, but I have very few of these components available to me now.

Perhaps I need to figure out how to make these happen.

Looking for a tech job? Check out the KCITP career fair

kcitp logoAs a huge fan of tech in the midwest, I was really glad to hear about the June 21 KCITP Summer Career Fair.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking to switch jobs, but I know plenty of talented individuals who are looking to do something different. Plus, there are eager grads now entering the workforce and ready to start their careers.

Here’s a chance: The Kansas City IT Professionals Summer Career Fair will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 21 (one week from today) at the Regnier Center at Johnson County Community College. (Here’s a map if you need it. It’s a really nice, modern campus.)

Here’s the thing: The event is free, but you’ll need to register to attend. You can do register over at the KCITP’s Eventbrite page.

And in case you’re wondering, no, I’m not being paid to mention this. I truly believe the Midwest (Plains if you want to get technical) is a great place for IT. We’ve got a low cost of living, excellent work ethic and BBQ. What could be better?

If you end up going to the event, please stop by and let me know how it went. I’d love to hear from you.

D.C. – Going red for Joplin

In my college days in Joplin, Missouri, I worked on the student newspaper, The Chart, with a student named Kiki Coffman. She was crazy smart and had a journalist’s heart.

One day, she was hanging out on one of the few computers that were linked to the World Wide Web back then, and was on this crazy kind of screen I had never seen before. I asked her what she was doing, and she told me it was called a chat room. It was my first introduction to the web, which ended up becoming my full-time profession/obsession.

Kiki, now with a new last name - L’Italien – works for DelCor in the Washington, D.C. area. Along with her sister, Kylee and Lindsey Rosenthal of Events for Good, she’s putting on a fund-raiser from 6 to 9 p.m., Monday, June 13 in D.C.

The event is called “Show Me” Support For Joplin – A Red Tie Affair and more information can be found at

If you’re in the D.C. area, please consider supporting this event. The proceeds will go toward a great cause – helping the survivors of the Joplin tornado – and you’ll be supporting some Joplin expats. We appreciate your help.
